Friday, April 24, 2009


"B" was outside playing this afternoon and went to get on his Diego Trike. As he was swinging his leg to get on, his shoe got caught on his seat and the whole thing tilted with him. His left handle bar stuck him in the stomach and he tumbled over that handlebar. He landed smack on his face. Of course he got up screaming. Once I looked him over to make sure everything else was ok, he was fine. His right eye has a few scratches on it and is swollen. I'm sure by sometime tomorrow, he may have his very 1st black eye. As I was explaining this to him, he got real excited and wanted to call his daddy at work. The only reason he even knows what a black eye is, is because "C" had one post surgery and he kept walking around telling everyone ""C" has one eye asleep and one eye open." So we call daddy and as soon as "M" answers the phone, "B" is telling him he's gonna get a black eye. lol "M" is just repeating black eye to him and "B" is very excitedly telling him yes. Wouldn't it be nice to be a kid again? It doesn't take much to make them happy! LOL


  1. lol - first shiner, that's one for the scrapbook!

  2. my little guy just got his first shiner too - and I'm also a mom in a houseful of boys. Hello from the Under 100 group1

  3. Isn't it funny how they scream and carry on with a boo-boo, until they realize they have a "trophy" to show for it?

  4. Bless his heart! I love how you handled that. I guess you've reached the age of the Rotating Bruise. As soon as one heals, another appears! Thank you for visiting my blog, I am working my way through all of these. I've only got one boy but I'm hoping for more. I love your blog!
