Thursday, February 19, 2009


"M" pulled off a great ending to my entering old age lol He came home from work with a cake, present and cards from he and the boys. This is the first time that he's really done anything and he couldn't have picked a better time to do it...Love You!! We started off today a little rough...but by noon everything was looking much better. The snot started to dry a little, the moods were improving, and I had received a very unexpected bouquet of black Over the Hill balloons on my porch from a good friend (again, sorry you missed seeing me as we were napping lol - which is a great way to turn old...old = napping). I blew out my candles and wished for a good night of sleep...we'll see what happens. So thanks to everyone for the wishes and many laughs!! I'm off to get the kids in bed so I can watch the last cross over between Grey's and Private Practice!!

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